Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thailand - A New Mission Venture for SVD

Some years ago Fr. General Henry Barlage in his introductory letter in one of the Arnoldus Nota’s encouraged members to venture out into new horizons, new missions.

Br. James Wilkins while in the United States met a group of Franciscan missionaries who had information seeking volunteers to work at their aids center outside of Bangkok. When I met Br. James during my home leave from Papua New Guinea he asked whether I would be interested in this project—not thinking too much about it I said yes I would. On my return to Papua New Guinea I visited the aids center there and at that time a Spanish missionary priest was in charge of the center. He said “they were no longer interested in volunteers as the Daughters of Charity had now taken responsibility for the center”. He said; however, “that if we were still interested he could give us contact with a Bishop in Thailand”. We left it at that and much later agreed that we were still interested, so made contact again with this Spanish missionary who then gave Bp. George Phimphisan, CSsR in the Diocese of Udon Thani as a contact. Brother James made contact with Bishop George who said he was very interested to have the SVD.

As time went on discussions were held with the Provincial of Australia, Fr. James Knight. He seemed quite open to this venture and was helpful over time with encouragement that this venture be persued; thus, negotiations began with Fr. Henry Barlage who seemed also to be somewhat in favor; though he initially mentioned that perhaps we might be interested and consider working in Vietnam instead. Over a long period of time and through much dialogue between Provincials of Australia and Papua New Guinea we decided that we were still interested in Thailand and eventually permission was granted for the Brothers to go to Thailand on an experimentary basis.

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